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1. Hacking, Scam and / or Bad Intent
1.1) is not permitted to practice acts of scam (deception), hacking (steal data / items) under any circumstances.
1.2) do not accept that the player use of malice or bad faith in their actions in the game.

2. Conduct
2.1) do not allow the use of offensive or abusive language, provocative, harsh, discriminatory, threatening, any act of racism, homophobia, obscene, illegal, hateful, ethnically offensive, sexually explicit, aggressive and / or harmful.
2.2) is not allowed in chat using CAPS LOCK (capital letters) or multiple messages with a view to FLOOD (flood).
2.3) do not allow the disclosure of any site, with exceptions for RF Amethyst server, consider this act as SPAM (illegal advertising).
2.4) the disclosure of any external link depending on the site that has no direct relationship with the game is prohibited.
2.5) should not be at the game team via chat, mail, or in any way the application event forecasts, systems, new features, items, or any advantage over another player.
2.6) Where is your duty appreciate the local harmony, who reacts is also wrong, report and wait for the action team.

3. Abuse of Bugs and Illegal Practices.
3.1) Every player is required to report to support any BUG (default) who witnessed the game.
3.2) It is forbidden to freekill, either with fake accounts (false), exchange of favors or benefits.
3.3) do not accept any anticompetitive practices.
3.4) not also accept that the player get any unlawful advantage for bug / other means.
3.5) is strictly forbidden the use of irregular programs not authorized by the site, as bots, drive decryption or interfere in the game.

4. Names
4.1) the creation of named character is forbidden that may lead others you join the team of staff RF Amethyst.
4.2) the use of offensive names or sense dubious in character or guild is prohibited.

5. Aggressive Behavior
5.1) It is strictly prohibited for a player or guild use the power to end the other game, this prohibition is included but not limited to:
5.1 a) threats such as demand payment from another player.
5.1 b) give wrong information server events in order to cause misinformation.

6. Trade, records and accounts.
6.1) It is strictly prohibited to purchase, sell, advertise or share access to game accounts. The loan is also not allowed. Each account is personal and exclusive use of its creator and nontransferable.
6.2) the trade of any object related to the game for real money is prohibited.
6.3) When entering data or incorrect information in your registration or at the time of play credit purchase, you give up your right to support, claim, credit return and any other right related to this transaction.
6.4) It is prohibited and not encourage more than one account per player. It is unnecessary, given that you can play with several different characters.
6.5) are not allowed to return, spread or communicate any real information from other players (name, address, account name, etc.) through the game, as well as other parts of the web.
6.6) It is forbidden for violation of local, state, national or international law, and regulations.

7. Guilds and Groups
7.1) Every teacher should cherish and advice for compliance with the rules in your guild.
7.2) It is the responsibility of every teacher and advice report any breach of rule / terms of use made by one of its members.
7.3) The master is responsible for settings and may account for the action of its members if it does not ensure by a good environment.
7.4) In case of breaking rules by several members of a guild it will lose points and can be deleted without notice.
7.5) Any kind of cheating to gain an advantage (points, reputation, etc.) will result in exclusion from the guild master and banishment.

The punishments can be mild, such as WARNING, which the user receives a message in the mail and email about what happened. In some cases, users can be penalized with a CHATBAN, which prevents even talk in chat. For more severe cases use the BAN option that prevents the user from playing by the time given in the account. In extreme cases it is used the Eternal Ban, which means that the user loses access to account as if it were deleted from the game. Access to chat is a privilege, not a right. This privilege may be suspended at any time for any reason. If in doubt about why penalty should use the support system with the option of the department in "BAN". The team also does not answer any questions or solve any problem via chat, mail or any other method other than the SUPPORT SYSTEM.

The administration of the game can freeze any account at any time for research, giving the right to let there in that state for up to 14 days without any compensation. We do not just limit these rules, however are the basis of our community. Considering the harmony of game we ban and even delete accounts for non-compliance of the same. These rules may be amended at any time by discretionary act of the administration.



We at AmethystTeamGames we are committed to devote ourselves to make the best game possible and always enhance the experience of the players. Our team always works to solve all problems, of all players, without any preferential treatment. The support acts as a direct channel between the players and the administration and has the sole purpose of the service, clarification and resolution of all problems and complaints. Always striving for justice and the best option for everyone, we are always open to suggestions and constructive criticism. We play with our greatest enthusiasm for all to enjoy.

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